Monday, July 18, 2016

It's Done Like Dinner

I don't mean the chickens are done, well not yet anyway, we'll have see how many hens we have and then the rest get "done". There are a few little things to do but in a nut shell it's done. They can get out into the compound and back into the house without being rounded up into a tot and carried back and forth. It's 16 x 8 and 7 feet high, lots of room and completely covered with 1 inch chicken wire, nice and safe. ReBecca did a great job with the stain, the colour is fantastic.

Looks great.

They're out and about.

Lots of room to run and spread their wings.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

2nd Hen House Update

A quick update on the hen house shingle job, it's done, at least my part, the stain is next and that isn't my job. It does look good and I managed to line up all four sides if you are looking. Here is a look at the finished product.

East end view.

North side view.

One corner look.

It does look good.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hen House Update

I've done a bit more work on the hen house, I've added home made louvers over the gable vents, and put screening on the under side. I've also put in another vent on the north side to help with ventilation. Yesterday I put on the cedar shingles on the west side and today I did the south side. The other two will be done shortly and then it will get stained and the compound to be built.

West view vent cover

East view, vent  cover added.

North side vent.

North side with shingles.

South side looks great as well.

A look at them both.