Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A New/Old Bird Feeder

We got this feeder a few years ago, the roof was poorly done and fell apart after on season, along with the base. I saved the columns and seed holder along with the cable to hang it, and since work on "The Searsville Project" has progressed to a point were I am taking a few weeks off, I decided to work on the feeder. My friend has two new decks built on his place and offered me the cutoffs from the cedar decking, and they were great. I used trial and error to make the roof, there are 10 segments and were beveled to 7½ ยบ to help with the pitch. The base is made up of two boards joined with biscuits and glue. I smoothed the edges of the roof line and I've been told it has a mushroom look and "she" likes it, so I do.

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